Camping at the Club

Beaver Sailing Club Southfield Reservoir, Sykehouse,, Nr Goole, United Kingdom

Camping at the club Friday/Saturday/Sunday, kitchen available or use. Sailing with friends Friday/Saturday Takeaway and Family board games evening on Saturday, possible pool/table football tournament Roast dinner Sunday after racing £5 a head (please let Helen Penty know if you are coming 07947001393) Sunday normal racing and the LEDA bowl on the Monday.


Beaver Sailing Club Southfield Reservoir, Sykehouse,, Nr Goole, United Kingdom

ROD is Mike Burton

Wednesday Points 1 (19:15)

Beaver Sailing Club Southfield Reservoir, Sykehouse,, Nr Goole, United Kingdom

ROD is Quentin Tupper

Wednesday Points 1 (19:15)

Beaver Sailing Club Southfield Reservoir, Sykehouse,, Nr Goole, United Kingdom

ROD is Richard Rennie