Wednesday Points 1 (19:15)

Beaver Sailing Club Southfield Reservoir, Sykehouse,, Nr Goole, United Kingdom

ROD is Richard Rennie

Camping at the Club

Beaver Sailing Club Southfield Reservoir, Sykehouse,, Nr Goole, United Kingdom

Camping at the club Thursday/Friday/Saturday, kitchen available for use. Pie and pea supper after sailing on the Friday , £5 each, (please let Helen Penty know if you are coming 07947001393) Family sailing Saturday, possible takeaway Saturday evening? Racing Sunday.


Beaver Sailing Club Southfield Reservoir, Sykehouse,, Nr Goole, United Kingdom

ROD is Tim Waller

Wednesday Points 1 (19:15)

Beaver Sailing Club Southfield Reservoir, Sykehouse,, Nr Goole, United Kingdom

ROD is Malcolm Ellwood

Camping at the Club

Beaver Sailing Club Southfield Reservoir, Sykehouse,, Nr Goole, United Kingdom

Camping at the club Friday/Saturday/Sunday, kitchen available for use. Saturday night takeaway or cook your own dinner in the club. Sunday night BBQ, club will provide charcoal and light the bbq ready to cook from 6ish. Bring your own food and drink.