Frostbite (11:30 & 13:30)

Beaver Sailing Club Southfield Reservoir, Sykehouse,, Nr Goole, United Kingdom

ROD is Quentin Tupper

Frostbite (11:30 & 13:30)

Beaver Sailing Club Southfield Reservoir, Sykehouse,, Nr Goole, United Kingdom

ROD is Martin Penty

Frostbite (11:30 & 13:30)

Beaver Sailing Club Southfield Reservoir, Sykehouse,, Nr Goole, United Kingdom

ROD is Peter Hone

New Year’s Day (13:00)

Beaver Sailing Club Southfield Reservoir, Sykehouse,, Nr Goole, United Kingdom

ROD is to be decided

Welcome back BBQ

We are lighting the club BBQ around 6pm on Sunday 29th for our first get together of 2021. Bring your own food to cook and something to drink. Why not stay over in your van or tent.