Welcome back from the 29th March
On the 29th March the Governement will allow outdoor sports facilities to re open, this includes sailing clubs.
As many of you are aware in December 2020 there was a serious breech in the canal bank, which resulted in very low water levels until recently. Although levels have not returned to normal, there is sufficient depth for recreational sailing and winsurfing.
As a result of this the committee are pleased to announce that Beaver Sailing Club will open for sailing, windsurfing and boating activity.
However members should take extreme care when using the launching ramps and jetties, as the lower levels will make launching and recovery more difficult.
It is also recommended to avoid using the shallower parts of the ponds.
Racing will not take place until test sails have been completed over the Easter weekend.
Due to Covid retrictions the clubhouse will remain closed with limited toilet facilities available.
Finally we would like thank members for their patience during the last few months.
Members of the Committee.
As Beaver Sailing club is located within a Tier 3 area, strict adherence to Government guidelines are required to be followed.
Therefore :-
- All previous Covid 19 rules apply and should be followed strictly
- The clubhouse will remain closed apart from use of toilet facilities / Race officer room
Please ensure you come prepared for Winter sailing with no access to the clubhouse changing/shower/galley/lounge facilities.
Beaver Sailing Club members and Committees have been studying the Covid-19 guidance from our sporting body the RYA and how this affects how we use Beaver Sailing Club during these difficult times.
Our number one priority is to keep members safe and allow everyone to continue using the club whilst minimising the risk of spreading the Covid-19 virus.
We must also comply with the latest Government guidance.
We are treating this with the highest regards and if you have any concerns or questions please do not hesitate in contacting any Committee member or Tim Bell (07740 163 407, email).
RYA Guidance
The latest RYA Guidance on Covid-19 can be found here.
In particular we would like to highlight three RYA produced documents.
If you are planning to sail with people outside your family bubble then please read the following:
What we expect from our members:
To check in on the NHS Covid-19 app.
Please use the NHS Covid-19 app (available here) daily and check in when you arrive on site by scanning the NHS QR code displayed around the site.
Wash and sanitise hands as often a you can.
The club is providing sanitising stations but we ask members to bring their own if possible.
Maintain social distancing
Please maintain social distancing around the site and where this is not possible, such as on the jetties, please pass back to back.
Wear masks when inside the club house.
Only use the club house for toilet facilities.
The club house is only available for toilet facilities and not for socialising or changing in and out of sailing gear.
We ask members to arrive changed for sailing or to change in the car park.
The following areas are out of bounds to everyone:
- Changing rooms and showers
- Kitchen
- Galley and lounge
- Training room – Only to be used by the ROD
Risk Assessment
A thorough risk assessment has been completed and a copy is available for you to read.